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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 39 (1955)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 967

Last Page: 975

Title: Developments in East Texas in 1954

Author(s): Joe C. Kitchens (2)


Exploratory drilling increased 12% and field well drilling increased by 27% during 1954. The increase in field well drilling was due to the rapid development of several important discoveries made during 1953.

Twenty-three discoveries were made: 14 of these were new-field wildcats, 3 shallower-pool, and 6 deeper-pool. Of this total, 14 were completed as oil wells and 9 as gas wells.

New production was limited to the Cretaceous section. New-pool discoveries were made in the Neches, Cornersville, Red Lake, Elkhart, Kildare, Willow Springs, Ham-Gossett, South Dome-Buffalo, and East Texas fields.

Previous HitGeophysicalTop exploration decreased by 2% over the previous year. Seismic, gravity, magnetometer, and core-drill work accounted for 1,398 crew-weeks.

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