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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 41 (1957)

Issue: 2. (February)

First Page: 357

Last Page: 357

Title: Jobs and Geologists: ABSTRACT

Author(s): J. P. Rockfellow

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A planned and well organized recruitment program is essential to a company requiring technically trained college graduates in the present era of scarcity. Not only must the job seek the man, but the recruiter must schedule his interviews in compliance with college routines as varied as the colleges themselves.

In general, the recruiting program must know its company's manpower needs; where people with the essential training are likely to be found; how and when to conduct interviews; and how to successfully conclude an offer.

The technical recruit is examined as to his scholastic progress, intelligence, mental alertness, physical fitness, social likes and dislikes, initiative, experience, and general character traits. The geological recruit, in addition, is classified as to the depth of his geological interest and his potential development.

The employing of a recruit is only the beginning. It must be followed by proper introduction to the company; a broad introductory training schedule; wise supervision; and the affording of opportunities that will utilize the recruit's knowledge and holds his interest.

The field of petroleum geology, like most other fields of endeavor, is crowded at the Previous HitbottomTop with students who hold "degrees" but begging at the top for men who can find oil.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists