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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 41 (1957)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 813

Last Page: 822

Title: Nature of Rocky Mountain Stratigraphic Fields

Author(s): Bruce F. Curtis (2), Robert K. Kirkbride (3), William S. McCabe (4), M. Dane Picard (5), Previous HitFrankTop I. Pritchett, Jr. (6)


In recent years the number of stratigraphic fields discovered in the Rocky Mountain region has increased markedly. A classification of these fields according to lithology and the origin of porosity in their reservoir rocks reveals some patterns regarded as useful in guiding additional exploration. Among the fields with carbonate reservoirs, those producing from fragmental rocks are most numerous. North Westhope field in North Dakota is an example. Most common of the siliceous reservoir rocks are those deposited in nearshore environment. Sand River field in eastern Colorado is characteristic of fields so classed. Statistically it appears that the best of Rocky Mountain stratigraphic fields are those with Cretaceous sandstone reservoirs of beach-bar type such as Bisti field in the San Juan basin in New Mexico.

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