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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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There were 1,026 wells drilled in Wyoming in 1956. The 339 exploratory wells represent the greatest number drilled in any year. There was more development drilling than last year, but less than the peak year of 1954. There were 36 discoveries, of which 80% were Cretaceous.
The Powder River basin led in activity, with 34% of the exploratory wells, accounting for 30% of the discoveries. The Green River basin had 12% of the wells, for 30% of the discoveries. The Bighorn and Wind River basins each had about 20% of the exploratory tests and 20% of the discoveries. There were no discoveries in the Hanna, Laramie, and Julesburg basins in the southeast part of the state.
Stratigraphic exploration was more extensive than seismic structural work. Discoveries appear disappointing but evaluation of stratigraphic discoveries requires years. Very encouraging development drilling in 1956 at two insignificant discoveries of 1951 and 1953 has established two major stratigraphic oil fields.
Stratigraphic plays in the Mesaverde, Phosphoria, and Muddy formations commanded most attention. Several tests of complicated thrust-fault seismic prospects were drilled.
Five exploratory wells were drilled in Idaho. No oil or gas was found.
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