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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 42 (1958)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 1172

Last Page: 1179

Title: Oil and Gas Developments in Kentucky in 1957

Author(s): Edmund Nosow (2), Edward O. Ray (3)


A decrease by 28% in the number of wells drilled in Western Kentucky brought the total amount of oil produced in this area to 13,178,793 bbls. This represents a decrease of 654,288 bbls., and accounts directly for a slight statewide decrease to 17,087,909 bbls. Gas production for the state remained constant at about 72,000,000 MCF. The percentage of successful exploratory wells in Western Kentucky, the area which accounts for 77.1% of all oil produced, dropped sharply from 13.5% to 9.8%. Drilling in Central Kentucky increased considerably. Muhlenberg County again led Western Kentucky in number of wells drilled, with Breckinridge County a close second. In Eastern Kentucky, Pike County accounted for almost half of all wells drilled in the Big Sandy gas field, principal sour e of gas in Kentucky.

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