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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 42 (1958)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 1207

Last Page: 1219

Title: Developments in North Mid-Continent in 1957

Author(s): George Q. Williams (2)


Approximately 165 new fields and pools were discovered in Kansas during the year 1957, most of which were named by the Nomenclature Committee of the Kansas Geological Society. The total of 165 discoveries includes 142 oil discoveries, 20 gas discoveries, and 3 oil and gas. In addition there were 24 discoveries of deeper production in previously producing pools; there were 36 discoveries of shallower production in previously producing pools. Of the total new discoveries, 19 were in the new-field category, the remainder new-pool discoveries.

Kansas produced 124,054,043 bbls. of oil, 5,324,247 bbls. of natural gasoline and LPG, and 580,698,954 MCF of gas in 1957. These production figures place Kansas again in fifth place in national production, the place it has held for many years.

There were no successful wildcat tests in Iowa, Missouri, or Nebraska (east of the 98th Meridian).

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