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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 44 (1960)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1603

Last Page: 1603

Title: Structure and Stratigraphy of Rayne Field: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Jack W. Shirley

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Rayne field is in east-central Acadia Parish, Louisiana. The primary production from this field is gas condensate from multiple Frio sands ranging from Marginulina texana to Nodosaria blanpiedi. The important geological significance of this field lies in the pronounced effect on the stratigraphy and structure of two major down-to-the-south depositional faults. Pronounced thickening of the stratigraphic section occurs on the downthrown side of both faults. The northernmost Previous HitfaultNext Hit on the north flank of the Nodosaria structure is the older and influences the older sediments from Nomion struma time to Nodosaria blanpiedi time, and the southern Previous HitfaultTop is the southern boundary of Nodosaria production and influences primarily the younger sediments from Cibicides hazzardi time nto Nonion struma time.

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