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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 46 (1962)

Issue: 2. (February)

First Page: 262

Last Page: 263

Title: Plant Microfossils and Geology: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Aureal T. Cross

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The role of palynology in the exploration for oil is essentially comparable with that of any other branch of paleontology. Advantages and limitations of sporomorphs, algae, miscellaneous protistans of uncertain affinity, and other similar-sized microfossils utilized in palynology as stratigraphic and paleoecologic indicators are briefly reviewed. The economic value of this relatively modern scientific field to the petroleum industry may be increased and hastened by avoiding some of the pitfalls which befell micropaleontology in its earlier years of application. Information should be developed simultaneously on the biology, ecology, and stratigraphy of these organisms.

Palynologists now being trained should be encouraged to develop their knowledge of both geologic and biologic Previous HitfundamentalsTop. Research should be sponsored in industry research laboratories and in private or university laboratories--research which includes studies of the distribution and preservation of sporomorphs in modern sediments; relative significance of living assemblages to other types of organisms; development of methods and programs for mechanical classification of these microfossils and analysis of data; improvement of techniques for separating spores and similar fossils from

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the rocks; and development of environmental information by the study of the character of preservation, presence of reworked fossils, relative percentages of other organisms, and characteristics of sediments themselves.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists