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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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It is a truism, if all too lately recognized, that the more fruitful geological researches today (and tomorrow) depend to an increasing degree on the techniques of the sister sciences and mathematics. So much is this the case that a number of quasigeological "Earth and Space Science" departments or divisions have been created and others are springing up not only at universities but also in private industrial and governmental research complexes, as well. The pendulum has now swung so far from the geologists per se that these organizations are being staffed to a large degree by non-geologists trained in one of the more fundamental, yet supporting, sciences. The advantages are obvious. The disadvantages, which may be equally great, are as yet only dimly perceived. Despite th paradoxical stigma now attached to the use of the time-honored and appropriately descriptive word "geology," the Earth Science Institutes and Departments are still chiefly engaged in geological researches. In such investigations it is just as shortsighted to expect first-rate results from a staff member who has little or no geological background, as to expect outstanding contributions to stem from the "geologist" who does not have considerable mastery of at least one of the more basic scientific disciplines. As an additional adverse factor, we see fewer students entering undergraduate geological studies and, if the trend continues, fewer "genuine" geologists will be available for geological positions in teaching or in industry. In short, the situation feeds on itself. The possible over- ll effects on the science of geology, on the broadly ramifying profession of "petroleum geologist" and on the A.A.P.G. are considered. The serious, national problem of scientific and technical manpower inadequacies is also closely involved in the geological research dilemma, and is discussed in some detail.
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