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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 47 (1963)

Issue: 2. (February)

First Page: 357

Last Page: 358

Title: Analysis Techniques and Signal Enhancement Methods Applied to the Bellshill Lake Stratigraphic Trap Program: ABSTRACT

Author(s): R. J. Graebner, D. F. Brennan

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A test program was conducted in the Bellshill Lake field to investigate the application of seismic techniques to finding the stratigraphic trap formed by the irregular sand bar type build-up within the Basal Quartz, section controlling production in the field.

The seismic interpretative criteria were postulated from synthetic seismograms.

Controlled field tests were conducted to find the factors which influenced record quality, to examine the effect of each factor on the signal-to-noise ratio, and to evaluate the field techniques developed from the test results. Critical field techniques were the selection of charge sizes and hole depths yielding both suitable shot wave forms and a means for attacking the ghost reflection problem, the attenuation of shot generated boundary waves through wave length filtering with arrays of multiple seismometers, and the preservation of true amplitude information in the recording procedure. Special data processing techniques included the application of a velocity filter, the "pie slice" process to improve the signal-to-noise ratio without signal distortion, and the stacking of verticall distributed charges with a process designed to eliminate the ghost over a broad frequency range without signal distortion.

The emphasis in the experimental survey was in the methods of investigation and the particular balance in techniques which must be struck to solve an exploration

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problem rather than in a demonstration of techniques as such.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists