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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 47 (1963)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1769

Last Page: 1769

Title: 1962 International Field Institute in the Swiss Alps: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Gregory A. Previous HitDavisTop

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Classic areas of Alpine geology were studied during the summer of 1962 by twenty-five American college teachers of geology participating in the second International Field Institute. Participants in this foreign study program, sponsored by the American Geological Institute and funded by a National Science Foundation grant, represented colleges and universities throughout the country and nearly every geological discipline. Under the guidance of leading Swiss geologists special attention was paid in the field to regional stratigraphic and structural relationships and to their importance in the solution of Alpine tectonics and paleogeography. Nappe development and geosynclinal theory were topics discussed in detail in light of recent Alpine studies requiring modification of c assical views. More significant to Institute participants than the acquisition of specialized knowledge in their own fields of interest was a profound impression of the magnitude and complexity of geological processes. The effect of this continuing AGI program on American geological thinking in general and on the petroleum industry in particular lies in the broadening of experience and perspectives of participating geology teachers. Their introduction to classic areas overseas and to modern trends in foreign geological study will undoubtedly contribute to the geological awareness and scientific effectiveness of their students.

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