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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 47 (1963)

Issue: 12. (December)

First Page: 2075

Last Page: 2075

Title: Bakke Field, Andrews County, Texas: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Charles A. Peek, Robert R. Harbison

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Bakke field is a multi-pay field located adjacent to the town of Andrews in central Andrews County, Texas. The areal extent covers approximately nine sections, or about 5,700 acres. The producing zones are in Ellenburger and Devonian strata, where oil accumulation is controlled by structural closure with a well defined oil-water contact, and in Pennsylvanian and Wolfcamp zones, from structural-stratigraphic traps with no definite oil-water contact. The gravity of the produced crude generally increases from the Wolfcamp downward with the exception that the Ellenburger has slightly lower gravity than the Devonian. Viscosity is greatest in the Wolfcamp and Pennsylvanian and least in the Devonian and Ellenburger pays. The produced water shows the greatest salinity in the olfcamp and decreases to the Devonian, which is only slightly salty. There is a slight increase in the Ellenburger salinity.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists