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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The total number of wells drilled in West Virginia in 1963, reported to February 15, 1964, was 1,419 (42 completions--T.D. but production not reported), a decrease (1,557 in 1962) of 138, or 8.9%. Permits to drill or deepen issued by the Oil and Gas Division of the West Virginia Department of Mines totaled 1,427 (1,649 in 1962), a decrease of 222, or 13.4%. Apparent discrepancies in total completions (42) are caused by having completion total depths but no report as to production as mentioned below.
136 permits to drill were cancelled during the year, mostly permits issued previous to 1963.
Abandoned during the year were 69 gas wells and 50 oil wells, or a total of 119 wells. No information on the exact number of abandonments of wells drilled since May, 1929, is available, as these wells are abandoned under original drilling permit numbers. Wells completed were: 782 gas; 93 oil; oil and gas wells, 242; storage, water-injection, brine, rock salt, water, and pressure wells, 94; dry holes, 166; total, 1,387 (432 unreported as to production). Compared with 1962, gas wells decreased 88, or 10.1%; oil wells decreased 8, or 0.8%; oil and gas wells decreased 87, or 26.4%; storage and other wells increased 36, or 44.8%, dry holes decreased 33, or 16.6%, the percentage of dry holes to total completions being 11.7%. Depth of wells ranged from 60 to 14,594 ft., compared with 246 to 7,111 feet in 1962. Total footage drilled was 3,754,915 ft.; as increase of 350,749½ ft., or 10.3% over 1962 (3,404,165½ ft.). The average depth of wells (2,646 ft.) increased 462 ft. over the 1962 average (2,184) or 21.1%. The total initial daily open flow of the gas wells was 1,493,863 a decrease of 125,219 MCF or 7.69% under the 1962 total (1,629,082) MCF. The size of gas wells ranged from 8 to 39,200 MCF compared with 2 to 25,500 MCF in 1962. The total daily initial oil was 12,836 bbls., a decrease of 2,329½ bbls. under 1962 (15,165½ bbls.) or 15.26%. The size of the oil wells ranged from ½ to 800 bbls.; compared with ½ to 410 bbls. in 1962. The number of wells drilling or unreported, if completed at the end of the year, was 464, 112 less than in 1962 (5 6), or a decrease of 18.4%.
Since we receive drilling and scout reports weekly and monthly, from several major companies, and copies of all records filed with the Oil and Gas Division of the State Department of Mines, the status of practically every drilling well was known. Many reports showed depths of well, stating they were being tested after fracture. Their depths are included in total footage drilled, but tables will be short whatever their production was. If they were reported as gas or oil wells, they have been reported as such wells. No letters were sent these operators since we have had little success in getting replies in time to include in the annual report. The Oil and Gas Division is making an effort to have the operators report their completions in a reasonable time. Some operators do not file reco ds promptly, claiming they are "not completed." The Department of Mines may have to refuse further permits to these operators until previous completions are reported. The total initial gas and oil production after fracture is generally several times the production before fracture. Approximately 90% of the wells were fractured during the year. Some almost fantastic results were reported, one gas well fracturing from an 8 MCF show to more than 39,000,000 cu. ft. The West Virginia University collects information concerning fracturing of wells and issues an annual report showing details for each of the wells fractured. Many of the wells would have been abandoned as dry holes except for fracturing.
The average size of gas wells was 1,665 MCF compared with 1,569 MCF in 1962, an increase of 86 MCF, or 5.5%. In calculating this average the number of gas wells (782) was increased by half of the number of oil and gas wells (121) or 903 wells. The average size of the oil wells was 60 bbls., compared with 57.2 bbls. in 1962, an increase of 2.8 bbls., or 5%. Half the oil and gas wells (121) were added to the 93 oil wells (or a total of 214) in calculating this average.
Preliminary estimates of production for 1963: gas 260,000,000 MCF, compared with 253,400,000 MCF in 1962, an increase of 6,600,000 MCF, or 2.6%; oil, 3,350,000 bbls. a decrease of 126,000 bbls. under the 1962 estimate (3,470,000 bbls.) or 3.46%. Possibly 40,000,000 MCF went to storage. Gas is stored in West Virginia from four other states. The estimated of number producing wells at the end of 1963; gas 19,111; oil, 13,044; the table of operations gives statistics by counties.
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