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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 48 (1964)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 1009

Last Page: 1021

Title: Developments in Western Canada in 1963

Author(s): T. J. Latus (2)


Over-all exploration activities (as reflected by expenditures of about $290 million) in Western Canada during 1963 showed a moderate increase over 1962, due to a rise in wildcat drilling and land bonuses. Geophysical work remained at about the 1962 level but surface mapping continued to decline sharply. Devonian reefs of west-central Alberta (Beaverhill Lake and Leduc reefs) and of northeastern British Columbia (Slave Point reef) accounted for most of the significant discoveries and exploration interest. The Edson, Mississippian gas discovery of 1962 in southwest-central Alberta was extended to major proportions. Comparisons below are with 1962.


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