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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 48 (1964)

Issue: 8. (August)

First Page: 1387

Last Page: 1400

Title: Petroleum Developments in Far East During 1963

Author(s): F. E. Von Estorff (2)


Oil Production in the non-Communist countries of the Far East decreased slightly from about 570,000 b/d in 1962 to 555,000 b/d in 1963. A major decline was recorded in Brunei-Malaysia by about 7,000 b/d and in South Sumatra by at least 13,000 b/d. At the same time, an offshore discovery was announced in Brunei-Malaysia, the first discovery in that area since 1955. An increase of 1,600 b/d was reported for Kalimantan (East Borneo). Production of natural gas in Japan increased by 40% and in Taiwan by 33%. Exploration in general showed a decline but with the signing of new contracts in Indonesia during the year preparations for extensive exploration in that country for 1964 were in progress.

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