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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 48 (1964)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1581

Last Page: 1588

Title: New Permian Stratigraphic Units in Glass Mountains, West Texas

Author(s): G. Arthur Cooper (2), Richard E. Grant (3)


New formation and member names are recommended for some unnamed or numbered units of Permian rocks of P. B. King in the Glass Mountains of West Texas. In the Lenox Hills, King's Hess Formation = Decie Ranch Member; King's "First limestone member" of the Leonard Formation = the Sullivan Peak Member; the shaly beds between these two are named the Poplar Tank Member. East of Lenox Hills the median Poplar Tank Member is pinched out and the two bounding beds unite to form the Skinner Ranch Formation (formerly King's Hess Formation on the west side of Leonard Mountain). The predominantly calcareous Skinner Ranch Formation and its upper member the Sullivan Peak are overlain by the siliceous Cathedral Mountain Formation. The Leonardian is thus revised to consist of the Skinner Ra ch Formation, mostly calcareous, and the Cathedral Mountain Formation, mostly siliceous. Lateral relations between Skinner Ranch Formation and the Hess Formation are discussed.

The name Road Canyon Member is proposed for the "First limestone" of the Word Formation of P. B. King, which overlies the Cathedral Mountain Formation of the Leonardian. These new names are needed to facilitate description and citation of stratigraphic units in the writers' forthcoming extensive study of the Permian brachiopods of the Glass Mountains.

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