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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 49 (1965)

Issue: 7. (July)

First Page: 1078

Last Page: 1078

Title: Biological Observations on Some Mediterranean Foraminifera and Related Protozoans: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Zach M. Arnold

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A study of laboratory populations of Nubecularia lucifuga Defrance, in addition to confirming the main aspects of the asexual Previous HitphaseNext Hit of the cycle observed by LeCalvez, has disclosed a sexual Previous HitphaseTop as well, whereas an examination of the species' variation potential in cultures and a comparison of cultural with natural populations suggest that, in the light of a marked correlation between the form of the test and that of the substratum to which the living organism is attached, the Jurassic form, N. triloculina ten Dam, should be considered conspecific with N. lucifuga (Eocene to Recent).

The occurrence of large numbers of paired tests of Gromia oviformis in subtidal waters of southern France confirms the original observation of this phenomenon (Valkanov, 1938); a cytological examination of the sexual generation, including newly discovered fertilization, zygote formation, and the subsequent transformation of distinctive fusiform zygotes into equally distinctive radiate "embryos," indicate further differences between this foraminiferoidal sarcodinian and such a simple isomorphic foraminifer as Allogromia laticollaris.

Culture observations on species of Cibicides, Planorbulina, and agglutinating forms resembling Webbinella and Crithionina--all from the same natural population--emphasize the pressing need for a rigorous application of isolation culture techniques to the study of the life cycle of Cibicides lobatulus before Nyholm's striking conclusions can be confirmed or refuted.

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