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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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During 1965, Wyoming retained first position as the most active state in the Rocky Mountains despite 119 fewer wells than in 1964. A total of 312 exploratory tests was drilled during the year, a 13% decrease from 1964, and a 23½% decline since 1963. The Wyoming success ratio was 10.26%, down 1% from 1964, but considerably better than the overall Rocky Mountain ratio of 7.1%, the lowest in recent history. A total of 636 development wells was drilled with 423 completions for a 66.5% success ratio. This is an increase of 1.2% from 1964 when 94 more wells were drilled.
Although overall activity in Wyoming decreased in 1965, it is apparent that it was an outstanding year. It is estimated that approximately 285 million bbls. of new oil were found with a gain in oil reserves of more than 150 million bbls. This oil was found at a cost of $0.74/bbl., the cheapest in the Rockies. Wyoming production increased by 5.6 million bbls. and the state led the region with 143.7 million bbls. produced for a daily average of 373,823 barrels. This was approximately 70% of the total oil produced in the northern states.
The year 1965 will be remembered as a turning point in the pattern of exploratory thinking in Wyoming. Despite the fact that exploratory drilling declined and fewer discoveries were made, more reserves were found than in any other year during the past two decades. The discovery of prolific deep production stimulated renewed interest in deep prospects previously condemned by depth. A more critical analysis of geologic data was evidenced by the improved caliber of wildcat prospects which found more oil for less overall expenditure. Geophysical activity increased by nearly 30% from 1964, and lease acreage increased nearly 3% for the first gain in 5 years. Considering all phases of exploration. Wyoming remained the most prospective state in the Rockies during 1965 and holds greater promis for 1966.
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