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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Carbonate rocks with porosity characteristics adequate to form petroleum reservoirs commonly are highly specific bodies of rock. They are rare in occurrence and diverse in type. Most are complex, both internally and in their relations with associated non-reservoir rocks. Yet the occurrence of porosity in carbonate rocks is in very few cases fortuitous; some discernible order normally prevails in the facies complex containing the specific reservoirs. Examples of highly specific reservoir facies, where a knowledge of the rocks and an understanding of their genesis can be helpful, are Pennsylvanian phylloid algal reservoirs of the Paradox basin, stromatoporoid-rich bank-margin facies of Devonian age in Alberta, and widely distributed algal-mat reservoirs. Detailed study of t e rocks and their pore systems can lead to more effective exploration and exploitation.
The existence of limestone and dolomite reservoirs commonly is related directly to the nature of the original sediment and to early diagenetic processes. In reservoirs retaining significant primary porosity, the size and interconnection of the original pores are more important than the amount of original porosity. Many carbonate reservoirs have pore systems of diagenetic origin. In these, the key factors are rock fabrics with components of different solubility, or of different susceptibility to such diagenetic processes as cementation or dolomitization. Factors favorable for reservoirs of primary porosity may be unrelated or opposed to those favoring diagenetic porosity. For example, some primary reservoirs consist of coarse, well-sorted calcarenite. In other facies complexes, these w ll-sorted rocks have low porosity and permeability, and the specific reservoirs occur in contemporaneous, poorly sorted, and mud-rich carbonates that were selectively dolomitized and leached.
Modern carbonate sediments of many textural types (mud, sand, and mud-sand admixtures) have porosity values of 40-70%. Newly deposited or reworked carbonate mud and some skeletal sand or growth frameworks may exceed 70% porosity. Yet most ancient carbonate rocks have a porosity of but a few per cent. Even the better carbonate reservoirs have only a small part of their original pore volume. This wholesale reduction in porosity is an important but commonly neglected factor in carbonate-rock interpretation. Reduction of porosity is accomplished mainly by introduced carbonate cement, probably involving thousands of pore volumes of interstitial water. In much limestone the volume of cement may approach or exceed that of the initial sediment. Compaction normally is minor, because of early c mentation and compaction resistance of carbonate sediment. Locally, pressure-solution processes are important in porosity reduction. The aragonite-to-calcite volume increase can be only a small factor in the reduction of porosity.
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