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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 52 (1968)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1825

Last Page: 1825

Title: A Theory of Crustal Development Based on Experimental Analysis of Vertical Uplift: ABSTRACT

Author(s): H. J. McCunn

Article Type: Meeting abstract


By constructing simple Previous HitmodelNext Hit Previous HitexperimentsNext Hit it can be shown that vertical uplift can produce first-order tectonic features similar to those seen in nature. Models of known tectonic features such as the orogen and tensional furrow can be simulated by inflating and deflating a large elongate balloon below layers of clay and lime slurry. Symmetrical and asymmetrical orogens can be simulated as well as simultaneous and migrational orogens. The simultaneous orogen forms as the result of the balloon inflating as a unit along its length. The migrational orogen is formed by the balloon expanding progressively along its length. The migrational expansion causes compressional folds to develop ahead of the expanding front. Drag folds and wrench faults are formed along the flanks.

The first-order tectonic features of known areas can be modeled by using simulated orogens placed in the same relative positions as the naturally occurring features. Some of the areas modeled are the Rocky Mountains, the California system, and the central Western Hemisphere.

Transverse and extension faults can be produced experimentally by vertical uplift. Offsetting uplifts of Previous HitmodelNext Hit orogens produce transverse faults as does differential uplift along the same Previous HitmodelNext Hit orogenic belt. The Previous HitmodelTop transverse and extension faults compare favorably with those observed in nature.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists