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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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A submarine canyonlike feature, called "Alaminos Canyon," is located at the change in trend of the Sigsbee scarp between 94° 15^prime and 94° 30^prime W long. The approximately N-S-trending system terminates just south of 26° N.
Bathymetric and seismic-profiling records reveal the existence of a complex area in which many single and multiple canyon sections can be observed in a single tract across the area. The sides of the depressions are steep in some places, and a few terracelike features are found. Subbottom profiles show that some depressions are half or completely filled with sediments. Diapiric structures and faults also are observed.
Sediment cores collected in the deepest parts of the canyon present a lithologic character which is a combination of a Globigerina ooze and a clayey pelite. No sand layers have been found.
The interpretation of this complex area ranges from that involving a complex submarine canyon system and one involving a complex submarine canyon system and one involving a hummocky area underlain by salt diapirs. It seems likely that an interpretation utilizing both hypotheses is required.
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