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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 53 (1969)

Issue: 3. (March)

First Page: 705

Last Page: 705

Title: Identification of Catapsydrax stainforthi Zone in Upper Part of Lower Saucesian Stage, California: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Orville L. Bandy, Ronald W. Morin, Ramil Wright

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Samples from the upper part of the lower Saucesian Stage represented in Reliz Canyon, California, reveal populations of Catapsydrax stainforthi Bolli, Loeblich, and Tappan together with specimens of Turborotalia opima nana (Bolli) and Globorotalia scitula praescitula Blow. The concurrence of these planktonic foraminiferal indices suggests a correlation of the upper part of the lower Saucesian of Reliz Canyon with the Catapsydrax stainforthi Zone of Previous HittropicalTop areas and with the fossil fauna exposed on Erben Guyot, Pacific Ocean. Associated planktonic species include Globigerina angustiumbilicata Bolli, Globigerina woodi woodi Jenkins, Globigerina praebulloides Blow, Turborotalia mayeri (Cushman and Ellisor), and Turborotalia opima continuosa (Blow). Critical benthonic speci s include Planulina appressa Kleinpell and Rectuvigerina kleinpelli (Cushman).

Equation of the Catapsydrax stainforthi Zone with the upper part of the lower Saucesian indicates that the underlying Catapsydrax dissimilis Zone of the tropics probably is equivalent in large part to the lowermost Saucesian; the superjacent Globigerinatella insueta Zone of the tropics is equivalent to the upper Saucesian and perhaps to the lowermost part of the Relizian Stage of California.

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