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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 53 (1969)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 2045

Last Page: 2045

Title: Surface and Subsurface Morphology of Two Small Areas of Blake Plateau: ABSTRACT

Author(s): T. R. Stetson, Elazar Uchupi, J. D. Milliman

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A detailed seismic profiler, Previous HitbottomNext Hit sampling, and Previous HitbottomTop photographic study reveal considerable information about the surface and subsurface morphology of two small areas on the Blake Plateau. The northern area is a N-S-trending depression (32°N, 77°30^primeW) near the continental slope, and the southern area is defined by a narrow NE-SW linear depression (30°50^primeN, 78°30^primeW). Both of these topographic features are erosional in origin; subsurface strata crop out on the sides of the depressions. The north-south depression is flanked by numerous biohermal coral banks that have developed above the flat underlying strata. Sediments in the vicinity of these banks are dominated by coral fragments, particularly Dendrophyllia. With increasing distance rom the banks the sediment becomes primarily a Globigerina sand and ooze, with varying amounts of pteropods. The distinctive sediment components in the southern depression area are manganese and phosphorite slabs and nodules; coral banks and coral sediment are practically absent. Indurated slabs of Globigerina "sandstone" are locally common in both depression areas, and are believed to be restricted to the uppermost sedimentary strata and to have been lithified at present depths.

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