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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 54 (1970)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 1018

Last Page: 1022

Title: Developments in Upper Gulf Coast of Texas in 1969

Author(s): Previous HitRobertNext Hit L. Fuller (2), Previous HitRobertTop C. Tysor (2)


There was a pronounced increase in exploratory drilling in the Upper Gulf Coast of Texas in 1969. The total of 441 wells drilled marked a 37% increase from the 1968 total. This increase was evident in all exploratory classifications, and the success ratio of all exploration wells drilled was 1:5. There was a very slight decline in development drilling compared with 1968, but the success percentage showed an increase. The Eocene remained the most actively explored trend in 1969, but the largest gain in exploratory activity was registered in the Miocene trend. Most of this increase was accounted for by the offshore Texas area, where 86 wells were drilled in order to evaluate recently leased federal and state offshore tracts. Seismic activity in Texas Rairoad Commission Dist ict 3 continued the drop which commenced in 1967.

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