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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 54 (1970)

Issue: 11. (November)

First Page: 2151

Last Page: 2169

Title: Deep-Ocean Diapir Occurrences

Author(s): E. D. Schneider (2), G. L. Johnson (2)


Recently recognized sea-floor diapiric structures are widespread, ranging from the well-known western Mediterranean structures to similar features in the eastern and western extremities of the Atlantic. A few also have been noted in parts of the Pacific.

It is postulated that the diapiric features in the Atlantic were formed in a narrow but growing Mesozoic proto-Atlantic. The early Atlantic was marked by restricted circulation with resultant deposition of evaporite deposits. In post-Cretaceous time a strong thermohaline circulation pattern was initiated in response to the widening of the Atlantic and the addition of cold polar waters, which changed the sedimentary environment from reducing to oxygenated.

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