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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Earth scientists and mineral engineers involved in mineral exploration and development recognize that their accomplishments are limited by economics, yet, many undergraduate geology majors receive little formal education in economics or mineral economics. This stems, in part, from the fact that the geologist's "economics" is not that of the traditional economics course. Basically, the geologist uses economic "information" in making exploration and development decisions.
The geologist's first need for economic data comes when the company is faced with setting guidelines for exploration. Next, the field geologist appraises the economic attractiveness of a discovery or an anomaly in light of the economic and geologic guidelines. Finally, the geologist-executive decides whether or not the discovery warrants further financial involvement of his company.
The young geologist headed for a career in exploration could use a practical course in the utilization of economic information in planning exploration and evaluating mineral discoveries. Traditional courses in economics and finance would be of value at a later date as part of graduate or continuing education programs for the emerging executive. The geologists' professional societies can contribute also through inclusion in their technical program of papers dealing with modern applications of economics to exploration and evaluation plus some concern for the broader economic aspects of national mineral policy.
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