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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 56 (1972)

Issue: 3. (March)

First Page: 602

Last Page: 602

Title: Concepts of Micropaleontology Applied to Petroleum Geology: ABSTRACT

Author(s): O. L. Bandy

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Micropaleontologic correlations by means of planktonic microfossil zones, defined on either an evolutionary or paleoceanographic basis, show that there are major time-transgressive features for paleontologic zones based upon Previous HitbenthicNext Hit forams. This problem is especially acute in tectonically active basins where rapid sedimentation is combined with differential subsidence rates. Stage boundaries based on Previous HitbenthicNext Hit species may occur progressively down-section toward submarine fans; conversely, such boundaries are progressively higher in the section toward deep-water depositional areas that are far from sediment sources. Thus, the misidentification of stratigraphic objectives can lead to drilling errors of many hundreds of meters in exploring different depositional centers within a basin. This aspect of correlation precision is especially acute in areas of continental margins.

Paleoenvironmental logging of sections and wells, employing primarily Previous HitbenthicTop foram faunas, makes possible (1) definition of paleobathymetric cycles, (2) detection of areas with truncated cycles, (3) definition of principal depositional centers and their migration in time, (4) proper evaluation of sediment bodies such as turbidites and submarine landslides, and (5) definition of paleotectonic rates which lead to the definition of structural trends developing within a basin.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists