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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Ocean Survey program is mapping systematically the geophysical characteristics of the continental shelves of the U.S. and certain deeper ocean areas. Properties measured are bathymetry, geomagnetics, gravity, and seismic reflection profiles. The purpose of the program is to provide maps, data lists, reports, etc., to meet requirements stated for coastal zone management and exploitation.
The map scales produced are 1:250,000 on shelves and 1:1,000,000 in deeper areas. Coverage now includes parts of the east and west coasts and Alaska. Work is underway off Oregon and Washington. The next year's program includes the west coast, Gulf of Alaska, and part of the Atlantic east of Bermuda.
The program objective is to produce data packages for each map unit. Survey control, line spacing, instrumentation, and collection accuracies vary according to the scale, area, and characteristics found. Critical to program development are the known and stated area and data requirements of major segments of the national economy such as the petroleum and other mineral industries, and fisheries. Recreational and environmental aspects are likewise important.
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