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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 56 (1972)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1895

Last Page: 1896

Title: Geology of Upper Continental Slope in Alaminos Canyon Region: ABSTRACT

Author(s): B. S. Applebaum, A. H. Bouma

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The surficial sediments of an area of the upper continental

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slope in the Alaminos Canyon area, Gulf of Mexico, indicate sand input from the ancestral Colorado-Brazos and Mississippi River systems. The clay minerals in the area were derived from indeterminate sources and were incorporated in coarse samples through resuspension of former sediment. Vermiculite, as well as tubular hallaysite, were identified in clay samples. The first mineral is unreported in the northwest Gulf, and the latter is only known from the Mississippi delta in the northwest Gulf area.

The "hummocky" nature of the bathymetry in the area resulted from salt diapirism and scouring by tractive and/or density flow. Sand-size sediment was transported to the area from river systems by longshore drift during the Holocene transgression or through channels still identifiable on the present continental shelf. The lineation of one of these features, the Outer Colorado-Brazos Channel, is probably due to salt tectonics and not the result of a barrier spit as previously reported.

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