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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 57 (1973)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 792

Last Page: 792

Title: Geology of Eastern and Central Nicaragua--Interpretation of Side-Looking Radar Imagery: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Peter H. A. Martin-Kaye

Article Type: Meeting abstract


In late 1971, the entire country of Nicaragua was surveyed by side-looking radar for the production of a 47-sheet sequence of 1:100,000-scale mosaics. Interpretation of the imagery of the central highlands and eastward toward the Atlantic Coast has contributed substantially to the elucidation of the geology of this previously little-known region. Although little that is new has been added to the stratigraphic column, the distribution of the main stratigraphic units has been clarified, and the principal structural elements established. The work in Nicaragua is an additional example of the quality of side-looking radar for rapid regional geologic interpretation and consequent guidance of ground programs.

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