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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 57 (1973)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 807

Last Page: 807

Title: Neogene Stratigraphy of Paratethys of Central Europe and Its Correlation with Other Areas: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Fritz F. Steininger

Article Type: Meeting abstract


During the last 10 years, a group of Neogene specialists has restudied the Neogene sections in the Alpine and Carpathian foredeep (molasse zone) and the inner Alpine and Carpathian basins. These studies have given rise to a new Neogene stratigraphic concept for this area--the so-called "Paratethys."

The lower boundaries of these Miocene and Pliocene stages (Egerian, Eggenburgian, Ottnangian, Carpathian, Badenian, Sarmatian, Pannonian, Pontian, Dacian, and Romanian, in ascending order) are defined by planktonic and larger foraminifers, calcareous nannoplankton, ostracods, mollusks, microvertebrates, and macrovertebrates. From radiometric age determinations of biostratigraphically dated glauconite and rhyolitic or andesitic tuff zones, correlations are possible with the Neogene planktonic zonation of Blow on one side, and with vertebrate Neogene scales on the other. Correlations can be made between the boreal, Atlantic, and Mediterranean bioprovinces of Europe and, therefore, with most of the stratotypes of the international Neogene time scale. On the basis of Paratethys faunas, th bioprovinces of western Europe can be correlated with the eastern Neogene deposits as far as the Crimean and Caspian Sea areas. Planktonic and larger foraminifers, as well as microvertebrates and macrovertebrate correlation levels, can be related to the Neogene of the United States. There are major conflicts between the early and middle Miocene radiometric dates obtained in the Paratethys and those from deep-sea cores.

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