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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 57 (1973)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 808

Last Page: 808

Title: Forties Field, North Sea: ABSTRACT

Author(s): A. N. Thomas, P. J. Walmsley, D. L. Jenkins

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Forties field was discovered in 1970 in the northern part of the British sector of the North Sea, about 110 mi east-northeast of Aberdeen, in a water depth of 350-450 ft. The reservoir is a Paleocene sandstone at a depth of about 7,000 ft, at the base of a thick Cenozoic section consisting primarily of mudstone. The Paleocene is a sandstone-mudstone sequence and is underlain by Danian and Maestrichtian chalk. The trap is a broad, low-relief, anticlinal feature with a closed area of 35 sq m (22,000 acres). Maximum gross oil column is 510 ft, the structure being full to spill point.

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