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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 57 (1973)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1822

Last Page: 1822

Title: Previous HitInterpretiveNext Hit Techniques Using Exploration Data Base/Application Previous HitProcessingNext Hit Systems: ABSTRACT

Author(s): R. N. Hodgson

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Over the past 5-10 years several significant developments have taken place involving the use of computers in support of the exploratory process, particularly relating to the search for new oil and gas reserves. Digital seismic Previous HitprocessingNext Hit is one obvious example, and the development of large geologic well data bases is another.

Both of these areas have developed somewhat independently of the other for very valid reasons; however, it is now becoming apparent that new Previous HitinterpretiveNext Hit techniques could benefit from selective integration of these and other related areas, particularly from the data base standpoint.

For example, seismic interpretation methods could be enhanced in many cases if selected geologic information could be incorporated into certain phases of digital seismic Previous HitprocessingNext Hit. Conversely, the utility of well data files might be greatly enhanced if selected seismic data could be incorporated and utilized in a geologic data base. There are numerous problems involved in extensions of this type; however, through proper design of integrated exploration data bases and related application Previous HitprocessingNext Hit programs, it is possible and practical to develop new systems which can greatly enhance the Previous HitinterpretiveNext Hit phases of exploration both from a geophysical and geological standpoint.

Illustrations are given showing several possible ways to create an integrated exploration data base containing selective seismic and geologic information. Techniques for the retrieval of data for subsequent Previous HitprocessingTop by application programs in support of geophysical and geologic interpretation are also shown.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists