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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Red Wing Creek field is on the southwest flank of the Williston basin near the axis of the present basin. The field is centered in Sec. 27, T148N, R101W, McKenzie County, North Dakota. The discovery well was drilled by True Oil Company in August 1972.
Seismic and subsurface data indicate that rocks of Permian, Pennsylvanian, and Mississippian ages have undergone intensive deformation. This has resulted in steep dips and many reverse faults. Rocks of younger and older ages show relatively little tectonic disturbance. The primary trapping mechanism is the result of faulting and uplift of the producing horizons.
The field has 10 wells capable of production. There are six dry holes and one well is being drilled. Two wells have been drilled into the Red River Formation of Ordovician age. No commercial production has been found below the Mississippian.
Mission Canyon formation of Mississippian age is the primary producing zone. Some production has been found in the Kibbey, Charles, and Lodgepole formations, also of Mississippian age. The discovery well has more than 1,100 ft of net pay, making this the best well in the field. Porosities range as high as 25% but most of the reservoir has porosities in the range of 6 to 10%. Oil-water contact ranges from subsea depth of -7,300 to -7,500 ft. Reservoir studies indicate in excess of 100,000,000 bbl of oil in place.
Several theories have been advanced to explain the trap, including salt dome, reef, salt collapse, wrench faulting and astrobleme.
Present data have indicated that the field is producing from the central peak of a meteor impact structure of Jurassic age. The feature has been modified by subsequent salt collapse and differential compaction.
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