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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 60 (1976)

Issue: 8. (August)

First Page: 1189

Last Page: 1195

Title: Developments in Alaska in 1975

Author(s): Harry W. Kugler (2)


Twenty-five exploratory wells were drilled in Alaska in 1975. There was a gas discovery in the Cook Inlet basin and a small gas well completed in NPR-4. The 6 successful exploratory oil completions are classified as extensions of existing fields or pools and all are proximate to the Prudhoe Bay field. There were 43 development wells drilled of which 3 were dry.

Industry geologic-geophysical field activity consisted of 224.7 crew-months, a 33.5% increase over 1974. Most of the increased activity was on the Arctic Slope and in the Gulf of Alaska.

Other exploration developments included increased geophysical and drilling activity on NPR-4 and the semisuccessful drilling in the Gulf of Alaska under the Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test program.

During 1975, federal acreage under lease decreased 7.1% and state acreage under lease decreased 8.6%. Oil production showed a slight decrease and gas production was up 10.1% for the year. Development drilling increased in 1975 as a result primarily of the development of the Prudhoe Bay field.

Lease sales in 1976 have been announced by both federal and state governments, but there is no strong feeling that a sale or sales will be consummated.

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