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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 62 (1978)

Issue: 11. (November)

First Page: 2329

Last Page: 2334

Title: Pressure Solution and Porosity Reduction in Shallow Buried Quartz Arenite: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Author(s): Thomas V. Wilson (2), Duncan F. Sibley (3)


The Galesville Sandstone (Cambrian) of south-central Wisconsin was studied as an example of porosity reduction in a shallow buried quartz arenite. The Galesville is a clean, well-rounded, well-sorted quartz arenite and probably has had a maximum overburden of 900 m.

Porosity of the samples in thin section ranges from 15 to 28%. Minus-cement porosity averages 24%. Differences in porosity according to orientation are not statistically significant, and the percentage of pressolved quartz is similar for all outcrops, averaging 0.8%.

Reduction in porosity owing to mechanical repacking of grains after deposition may have reduced porosity from about 45 or 50% to a minimum of 33%. Intergranular pressure solution of approximately 0.8% of the Galesville resulted in a minimum porosity reduction of 9% below the value established for maximum mechanical compaction.

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