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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 63 (1979)

Issue: 3. (March)

First Page: 459

Last Page: 459

Title: Current Previous HitEstimatesNext Hit and Methods of Potential Gas Committee: ABSTRACT

Author(s): George C. Grow, Jr.

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Potential Gas Committee is the only group specifically organized for the exclusive purpose of estimating the potential future supply of natural gas in the United States. It is composed of about 120 people--geologists, engineers, and others from industry, government, and academic institutions. They have developed methods, definitions, and guidelines for making the Previous HitestimatesNext Hit. The genius of the committee is the expertise of its individual members and their access to highly classified information not available elsewhere. No other group--corporate, academic, or governmental--has the experience, insights, and specific knowledge of the geology and future gas potential that this committee possesses collectively.

The potential gas supply is that volume of gas believed to exist in addition to proved reserves--gas not yet discovered by the drill. The Committee's Previous HitestimatesNext Hit are based on intensive investigations covering the lower 48 states and Alaska. All potentially productive areas and geologic formations are considered. All available geologic data are included in the studies.

The basic technique is the comparison of Previous HitfactorsNext Hit that control known occurrences of gas with Previous HitfactorsNext Hit present in prospective areas. The Previous HitestimatesTop are divided into three categories--probable, possible, and speculative--which reflect the relative degree of geologic knowledge and exploratory data available.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists