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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 63 (1979)

Issue: 3. (March)

First Page: 555

Last Page: 555

Title: Structure-Contour Maps Previous HitComputerNext Hit Constructed from Orientational, Stratigraphic, and Positional Outcrop Previous HitDataNext Hit: ABSTRACT

Author(s): C. B. Wrightson, C. M. Gold, H. A. K. Charlesworth

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The manual of Previous HitcomputerNext Hit-based methods currently employed in exploration to produce structure-contour maps of coal seams requires numerous drill holes to provide the necessary three-dimensional control. The following method, illustrated by maps of coal seams from the Rocky Mountain foothills of Alberta, uses only orientational, stratigraphic, and positional Previous HitdataNext Hit from outcrops. It has four steps: (1) establishment of structural domains within which the coal is approximately cylindrically folded; (2) construction of the coal seam's profile in each domain; (3) projection of each profile parallel with its fold axis in order to generate the coordinates of a set of points on the seam in each domain; (4) Previous HitcomputerNext Hit Previous HitcontouringNext Hit of the resulting elevations. The first and fourth steps u e known procedures. The second step can be carried out graphically using a Previous HitcomputerNext Hit plot showing the geographic location, stratigraphic position, and bedding trace of each outcrop projected onto a plane normal to the fold axis. Alternatively, where the stratigraphic positions of the outcrops are known precisely enough and the structure is not too complex, the Previous HitcomputerNext Hit can be instructed to interpolate the coal seam between the various projected outcrops. The third step involves using the appropriate digitized profile and fold axis to predict the coal seam's depth beneath each outcrop and saving these values for the Previous HitcontouringTop stage.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists