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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 63 (1979)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 845

Last Page: 845

Title: Integration of Airborne Magnetic and Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Previous HitDataNext Hit for Uranium Exploration in Eastern Appalachians: ABSTRACT

Author(s): C. E. Curtis, R. R. Hartman

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Airborne gamma radiation surveys are very useful for surface geologic Previous HitmappingNext Hit, and aeromagnetic surveys are equally useful for basement geologic Previous HitmappingNext Hit. As the essence of airborne uranium exploration is the detection of the surface expression of a fundamentally subsurface phenomenon, the problem becomes one of resolving the vagaries of uranium migration in the subsurface or of "bridging the gap" between the basement and the surface. In the Previous HitdataNext Hit-acquisition phase of the airborne survey, the three essentials are large crystal volume gamma-ray detectors, closely Previous HitspacedNext Hit magnetic Previous HitdataNext Hit (recording interval of approximately every 100 ft or 30 m of ground distance traversed, or 0.5 sec), and digital Previous HitdataNext Hit recording. With such a magnetic Previous HitdataTop-acquisition interval, small anomalies f om sources within the section, such as mineralization in fault planes, erosional unconformities, etc, can be correlated upward with radiometric anomalies and downward with fundamental basement and structural anomalies.

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