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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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At the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory we are currently developing a model for the fractured Devonian gas shale reservoir in Cottageville, West Virginia. This involves integrating all the available geologic, geophysical, and gas-production data into a self-consistent model that will account for the observed flows and pressures. The purpose is to further the understanding of possible production mechanisms in a highly fractured reservoir and to develop tools and methodology to apply to other reservoirs.
We are using a single-phase Darcy-flow simulator and a data base management code that provides capabilities for selecting
, ranking, rotating, mapping, meshing,and plotting various attributes of wells in the field.
We have been determining how to use the known data in the model by various correlation processes. Subsea depths of stratigraphic zones near the producing horizon, obtained from 99 wells in the field, have been interpolated onto a 250-m-interval grid pattern from which isopachs and structure (including their first and second derivatives in the two horizontal directions) have been calculated. Individual well-flow data, as represented by initial or final open flow, integrated production,
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and decline curves each characterized by fitting to a sum of up to three exponential decay curves (adjusting for those wells in which a later cleanup occurred), are also interpolated onto the grid.
We are then using contingency tables to study the degree of correlation between different geologic and flow parameters
. For example, final open flows show a much higher correlation with structure or with its curvature along the major fracture trend than they do with the slope of the structure normal to the fracture trend.
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