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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 63 (1979)

Issue: 11. (November)

First Page: 2119

Last Page: 2120

Title: Deltaic Deposits in Upper Morrow Formation of Anadarko Basin: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Previous HitDonaldTop C. Swanson

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Environmental facies analysis of Pennsylvanian upper Morrow deposits of the Anadarko basin show a variety of deltaic facies. The important reservoir deposits

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are both point-bar and stream-mouth-bar sandstones and conglomerates. The point-bar deposits are the most important reservoirs and many well-documented examples show their sizes, shapes, trends, and reservoir characteristics.

Detailed data from dry holes in the Morrow Formation show relations which give reliable clues to the existence of nearby reservoir deposits. Study of the stratigraphic and facies framework of the Morrow gives insight into processes of deltaic sedimentation which should be useful in local and regional exploration as well as in production operation.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists