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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 64 (1980)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 739

Last Page: 739

Title: Lofreco Process--Tailoring Shale Oil Extraction Method to Available Geology: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Mitchell A. Lekas

Article Type: Meeting abstract


Geokinetics Inc., in cooperation with the Department of Energy, is developing an in-situ process for extraction of shale oil from shallow deposits of oil shale. The oil shale is fragmented by explosives emplaced in surface drill holes. The fragmented zone constitutes the in-situ retort. The fragmented zone is ignited and the generated heat releases the shale oil which drains to the Previous HitbottomNext Hit of the retort and flows along the sloping Previous HitbottomTop to the oil production wells.

The Mahogany oil shale zone at this location is 30-ft (9 m) thick and averages 23 gal/ton. The beds strike east-west and dip to the north at 120 ft/mi (36.6 m/km). Groundwater in the oil shale zone is very limited. Field work was initiated in April 1975 at a test site 70 mi (113 km) south of Vernal, Utah, and has continued without interruption to date. Twenty-four test retorts have been blasted and 15 retorts have been burned. By June 1982 the R & D phase will be completed, and construction of a commercial plant will begin.

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