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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 64 (1980)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 1560

Last Page: 1560

Title: Depositional Environments of Some Naborton-Dolet Hills Sediments (Tertiary, Northwestern Louisiana) and Their Relation to Lignite: ABSTRACT

Author(s): D. D. Hogenson

Article Type: Meeting abstract


A preliminary study of the Naborton-Dolet Hills lignitiferous sediments from a single cored well suggests deposition in subenvironments of a deltaic system. The lithology, sedimentary structures, macerals, clay mineralogy, and facies relations are comparable to sequences found in the recent deposits of the Mississippi delta.

The upper Naborton Formation, including the Chemard Lake lignite lentil, consists of organic rich muds, carbonaceous clays, and lignite which probably formed as aggradational deposits on a deltaic plain during a constructional phase of deltaic development. The eroded top of the lignite seam in the study well indicates that a brief marine inundation, or destructional phase, followed deposition of Naborton sediments in the study area. Thinly laminated silty clays containing foraminifera overlie the lignite. The clays grade upward into the fine to medium-grained sand of the Dolet Hills Formation. This sand is massive to ripple laminated and most likely represents a crevasse, or bay-fill deposit.

Several well samples were tested for the presence of radioactive elements. No unusual concentrations of these elements were found associated with the Chemard Lake lignite.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists