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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Three Oklahoma oils and six associated asphaltites were studied and found to have a common source, based on geologic and geochemical criteria. Bulk analyses reveal the following: (1) vanadium and nickel are enriched in the asphaltite relative to the oil by an average factor of 41, although the V/Ni ratio only ranges from 0.5 to 3.5 in most of these samples; (2) the average H/C atomic ratio decreases and the average O/C, N/C, and S/C atomic ratios increase significantly from oil to asphaltite; and (3) stable carbon isotope ratio values show that the ratio of 13C to 12C in the asphaltites is essentially the same as that in the oils, being approximately -29.8 ppt (relative to PDB) in almost all cases. These bulk analyses and analysis of isolated chemical fractions o these materials indicate that the asphaltites and oils are of common origin and have a similar temperature history. These data further indicate that asphaltite is a secondary product after oil and that biodegradation, accompanied by other near-surface effects, is the causal mechanism for asphaltite formation. This conclusion is supported by the geology of the region, insomuch as local listric faults could have served as conduits of migration, bringing deeper oil into the zone of near-surface alteration.
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