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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 66 (1982)

Issue: 12. (December)

First Page: 2699

Last Page: 2699

Title: Petroleum Geology of Benue Trough and Southeastern Chad Basin, Nigeria: ERRATUM

Author(s): S. W. Petters, C. M. Ekweozor


AAPG Bull.,> v. 66, no. 8 (August) 1982, p. 1141-1149, "Petroleum Geology of Benue Trough and Southeastern Chad Basin, Nigeria," by S. W. Petters, and C. M. Ekweozor. Page 1148, second column, third paragraph, second sentence should read (corrections italicized): "However, in two neighboring petroleum-producing basins, namely, the Niger delta (Ekweozor and Okoye, 1980) and the Douala basin (Albrecht and Ourisson, 1969), the peak generation zones were located well below and at approximately 6,500 ft (2,000 m), respectively, from the present surface."

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