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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Cellino Formation is a lower Pliocene submarine fan system that forms extensive subsurface reservoir rocks. The sequence consists of interbedded sandstones and shales which crop out in central Italy; it exhibits a definite geometric pattern of lateral fan accretion. It is 60 by 20 km (37 by 12 mi), elongate NNW-SSE, and it follows the trend of previous fan systems. The vertical and lateral sequences are interpreted from electric logs and supported by field observations. The Cellino Formation consists of a series of different turbidite facies associations which includes a lower basin-plain fan edge, overlain by outer fan and fringe facies associations. The lower part of the Cellino Formation here has been cut and deeply eroded in the northern part. A new sequence follo s, which activates the eastern migration of the fan system and deposits facies.
Postdepositional deformation (compressional faulting and folding) decreases in the area in intensity eastward. Carbonate cements sandstone layers in the southwest part of the area. Associated hydrocarbons were trapped in outer fan lobes which were deformed into an anticline. The thin shale beds provide the cap rocks of the turbidite reservoirs. Many of the depositional lobes have their individual gas-water contacts.
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