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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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In the area studied, the Atherton Formation accumulated primarily as outwash deposits dominated by trough and wedge cross-bedding. Within sand (86% of deposits; Q77F8L15) and polymictic pebble gravel (14%) units, local cements of calcite (99%) and limonite/hematite (1%) are present. The distribution of these cements was controlled by at least three factors: (1) position within the deposit relative to the land surface, (2) average grain size, and (3) primary stratification.
Over 90% of cement zones are within 7 m (23 ft) of the present land surface. Meteoric waters made more acidic by decaying organic material locally dissolved carbonate framework grains. As pore fluids continued to move downward and laterally, cementation occurred. On a second level, higher permeability zones associated with sediment of larger grain sizes was an important factor influencing the location of cementation. Cemented horizons are present in 48% of pebble and sandy pebble gravels (contact and pore lining types) and 17% of sands and pebbly sands (contact, pore lining, and occluded types). Moreover, within sand units primary stratification was a parameter that influenced the location of cementation sites. In wedge cross-bed sets, cement zones parallel inclined laminations; in tr ugh cross-beds, 79% of the cement is concentrated in the lower one-third of bed sets near trough axes or immediately below a trough's basal erosion surface. Cement zones were preferentially developed along internal curved laminations within cross-bed sets. Higher permeability concordant with stratification, the result of excellent sorting and coarser grain sizes within individual sand laminations, primarily controlled cement distribution at this level.
Carbonate cements in the Atherton range from a trace to 6 mole % MgCo3 (X = 3.6 mole %) with traces of Fe in 16% of the samples analyzed (205 total analyses). The calcite and Mg-calcite generally form a mosaic of anhedral crystals, although distinct rhombohedra are present in some pores. The source for Mg and Fe is believed related to the dissolution of dolomite and Fe-bearing silicate framework grains. The limonite/hematite cements are present as rare, pore-filling patches.
A comparison of the percent of carbonate grains in uncemented sand (X = 10 ± 1%) and within cemented zones (X = 7 ± 1%) of similar grain size indicates an information loss during very early diagenesis on the order of 20 to 30% of the carbonate framework component. Therefore, the original proportion of carbonate framework grains in ancient calcite-cemented sandstones may be greatly underestimated due to grain destruction during diagenesis.
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