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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Stacked shoreline sandstones near the base of the Mesaverde Group are well exposed along the southern flank of Rangely dome, northwestern Colorado. Overlying these marine deposits is a thick sequence of carbonaceous siltstones that encase elongate lenticular sandstones. This sequence records the evolution from estuarine to fluvial channels formed along the western margin of the Cretaceous Western Interior seaway. Sections 180 to 250 m (590 to 820 ft) long, were measured along a trend perpendicular to paleoshoreline. Several individual sandstones were studied in detail to develop depositional models. Data from over 300 well logs provided information regarding regional distribution and stratigraphic relationships of the systems. Two major stratigraphic successions were reco nized.
Thin (0.5 to 2 m, 20 in. to 6.6 ft) bioturbated and root-mottled fine sandstones, interbedded with pervasive siltstones occur immediately over the marine shoreline deposits in both sequences. The sandstones are interpreted as storm washover deposits. At Gillam Draw in the eastern portion of the outcrop study area, the washover sandstones are overlain by 50 to 60 m (165 to 195 ft) of bioturbated shales and siltstones. Ripplestratified, upward-fining, fine to very fine sandstone lenses occur in this interval. These lenses are 4 to 8 m (13 to 26 ft) thick, have erosional bases, and have well-developed lateral-accretion bounding surfaces. Ophiomorpha and other trace fossils suggest an estuarine influence. The sandstone lenses are point bar deposits formed along meandering tidal creeks. Si tstones, coals, and 8 to 12 m (26 to 39 ft) thick lenticular sandstones overlie the tidally influenced interval. The sandstone lenses change significantly in geometry, bounding surface relationships, and textural trends within this succession.
Stratigraphically lower sandstones form broad (100 to 200 m, 330 to 660 ft wide) belts. Individual sandstone bodies within the lenses have erosional bases and prominent lateral-accretion surfaces. Trough cross-bedding near the base is overlain by ripple stratification. These broad, lenticular sandstones represent fluvial meander-belt deposits.
Sandstone lenses become narrower and lack accretionary surfaces higher in the section. These younger sandstones are multi-storied, rather than multilateral, channel deposits and are flanked by extensive crevasse splay facies. They are interpreted as confined anastomosing fluvial channels. West of Gillam Draw, the anastomosing fluvial system directly overlies shoreface and storm washover deposits. The multistoried lenticular sandstones are thicker (20 to 30 m, 66 to 100 ft).
Sedimentation kept pace with subsidence in the eastern, basinward sections. Lower reaches of streams were tidally influenced even though the area was not inundated by marine waters. The western succession represents aggraded fluvial systems formed inland from the coast. Both sequences are characteristic of areas of rapid subsidence.
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