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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Outcrops of the Abo Formation (Wolfcampian) in the northern and central Sacramento Mountains of south-central New Mexico record the evolution of fluvial systems within a major clastic wedge. This wedge was derived from the Pedernal uplift and prograded westward into the Orogrande basin. Regionally, the Abo Formation thickens from 60 m (197 ft) in the central Sacramentos, to over 545 m (1,788 ft) in the northern portion of the range, a distance of approximately 29 km (18 mi). Superposed on the regional pattern are local thickness variations of up to 91 m (300 ft). These occur within distances as small as 0.4 km (0.25 mi), and represent local tectonic and paleotopographic controls on sedimentation.
Clast-supported cobble conglomerates, associated with laminated mudstones and discontinuous coarse arkosic sandstones, are present near the base of the Abo Formation. The conglomerate lenses range from 0.5 to 20 m (1.5 to 66 ft) thick, and from 15 m (49 ft) to several kilometers wide. They exhibit poor stratification, occasional clast imbrication, and near horizontal to concave-upward erosional bounding surfaces. Locally, nodular CaCO3 occurs in beds or scattered throughout the associated mudstones.
The central portion of the sequence is characterized by abundant conglomeratic medium to very coarse-grained arkosic sandstone lenses interbedded with laminated mudstones. These lenses range from 0.25 to 10 m (0.8 to 33 ft) in thickness, and 10 to 110 m (33 to 361 ft) in width. Commonly, several lenses will coalesce, forming laterally extensive belts. Both erosional and depositional (lateral accretion) bounding surfaces are well developed within individual lenses. Low-angle, large-scale trough cross-bedding is the dominant stratification type within these units, however, small to large-scale tabular foresets occur, as do planar, ripple, and small-scale trough stratification. Occasionally, individual units fine upward in grain size and/or scale of structures. This sandstone-rich horizo varies laterally in thickness, and grades upward into a mudstone-rich horizon at the top of the Abo Formation.
The upper interval of the Abo sequence contains infrequent fine to coarse-grained arkose lenses enclosed in laterally extensive red mudstones. Paleosols and caliche horizons are present, but not common, in the mudstones.
The basal conglomeratic horizon of the clastic wedge represents braided stream deposition at the distal end of arid alluvial fans associated with the tectonically active Pedernal uplift. Caliche and paleosols developed in the overbank mud drapes and levees of these deposits. The conglomerates grade into arkosic sandstones, reflecting the intense weathering and erosion of the granitic core of the uplift. The multilateral sandstone lenses characteristic of the mid portion of the Abo Formation were deposited in low-sinuosity, coarse-grained (bed-load) meander belts; however, higher sinuosity, mixed-load channel and crevasse splay deposits also occur locally. Finally, as the Pedernal source area was buried by its own debris, thick, broad flood-plain deposition predominated. Sandstones ass ciated with the red mudstones were deposited in shallow ephemeral channels and crevasse splays.
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