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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 67 (1983)

Issue: 8. (August)

First Page: 1347

Last Page: 1347

Title: "Spearfish Water Sand": An Overlooked Play?: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Julie A. Lefever, Sidney B. Anderson, Richard D. Lefever

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Waskada-Pierson plays in the Amaranth Formation in southern Manitoba have prompted a study of similar units in Bottineau County, north-central North Dakota. The pay zone in the Waskada field is a sequence of sandstones and siltstones trapping oil which has migrated from the underlying Mississippian strata. The Triassic Spearfish Formation of North Dakota, correlative with the Amaranth Formation of Manitoba, consists of a similar sequence of interbedded sandstones and siltstones which unconformably overlie carbonate and anhydrite rocks of the Madison Group. Log characteristics show the sandstones and siltstones of this sequence to be laterally continuous over the study area.

Except for one well, production in the Bottineau area of North Dakota has been confined to either a portion of the Madison Group or a basal Spearfish sand. This basal sand is overlain by a 20 to 25-ft (6 to 7-m) thick impermeable siltstone which acts as a vertical seal for the Newburg/South Westhope pay. Above this siltstone is a unit locally known as the Spearfish "water sand," a water-bearing sandstone in the Newburg/South Westhope fields.

The one exception to basal Spearfish production is located in Sec. 6, T163N, R78W, where the Cardinal Petroleum 1 Oscar Aftem well has been producing from the Spearfish water sand since December 1961, indicating that the water sand may have potential for more production in the area.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists